First Students

You belong here at FBC Siloam Springs!

LEading Students to know and follow JEsus

Whoever you are, everyone is welcome at First Students! First Students gives 7th-12th grade students the opportunity to get connected with a group of people their own age who are growing closer to the Lord each day. We want to see students know and follow Jesus Christ! First Students is a place for teenagers to deepen their relationship with Christ while simultaneously growing their relationships with others!

Bible Study

Sundays from 9:30 -10:30 AM every week!

 Our Sunday morning Bible study is one of the best opportunities for us to dig deep into God's word as a group. We go through Bible passages verse by verse, discussing how the content can apply to our own lives. We are currently studying the Gospel of Mark.


Every Wednesday from 6 to 8 PM!

Midweek is always exciting and is the best opportunity for students to get plugged in and build relationships with other students! We play lots of fun games, eat food, worship, and look at some Scripture together. After the message, we  split up into small groups  to discuss the message and pray with each other!


Check out the latest email below!

We have many exciting events going on throughout the year! Some of our students favorite events and get-togethers include laser tag, roller skating, FUGE Camp, retreats, mission trips, and so much more! Check out the photo gallery below for pics of some past events!

FUGE camp is coming soon!

Centrifuge Camp will be here before we know it. Follow the link to register your student!

Dates: June 9-13, 2025
Cost: $369
Location: SBU, Bolivar, MO
Ages: Students who have completed 6th-12th grade.


We send out an email to our parents each Wednesday! If you would like to be added to the email list, send a message to! Here is the latest edition:

Upcoming Events
FUGE Camp - June 9-13 - For all of the Camp details, including registration, payments, deadlines, and more, click the link on our website! Remember, the deadline for scholarship applications is Monday, April 7!

VBS - June 23-27 - Students can be volunteers for VBS after they finish 7th grade! If you or your student would like to register as a VBS volunteer, please get in contact with Lisa by emailing

No Midweek 3-26
There is no Midweek tonight, as there is no church programming during this week because of Spring Break. We will be back to normal next week!

Sunday Morning Small Groups 3-30
This week, we are continuing in 1 Peter, discussing how we are called to honor the Lord in our relationships with others. Relationships matter to us. Whether it’s a friendship, a dating relationship, or the relationship we have with a coach, teacher, parent, or sibling, we treasure the connections we have with the people in our lives. The way we act in these relationships should matter to us, as well. Peter’s desire in his letter is for his readers, the new people of God, to love one another, pursue good, and refuse to respond to mistreatment with revenge. Although Peter’s instructions are specifically for wives and husbands, roles that students probably aren’t thinking about very much at this point in their lives, these are godly principles that we can all learn and apply. As followers of Jesus, we are called to honor the Lord in all our relationships with others.

Please take a moment to read our Scripture passage for this week:
1 Peter 3:1-12

Next Steps:
Here are some questions to help guide you as you discuss this lesson with your student!
-How does Peter define true beauty?
-How should husbands treat their wives, according to Peter? What reason does he give?
-Why do you think it is important for Christians to live out the teachings found in verses 8-9?
-What are some ways that we can regularly pray for those who have treated us unkindly?

Thank you for all you do. As a parent, you are the primary spiritual influence in the life of your teenager, and they desperately need you. I’m praying for you! If you have any questions or if I can help with anything, please don't hesitate to let me know!

Tim Conley
Minister of Youth
FBC Siloam Springs

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