
Our Registration ID#: 91882 (You'll be asked for this number once you click this link!)


June 9-13, 2025


Southwest Baptist University
Bolivar, Missouri

Who Can Go?

Any student who has completed 6th-12th grade! 


More info about payment and scholarships below!

What Do I Need To Bring?

Check out the packing list included below!


Sign Up Deadline and Final Payment Deadline:
April 27, 2025

What is centrifuge?

At Centrifuge, students are divided into groups for recreation, and Bible study based on age ranges by grade completed. Recreation is facilitated within Bible study groups by a member of our trained FUGE camp staff, who also leads the Bible study. Each activity serves a specific purpose and is debriefed so students can make applications in their lives.

Students also participate in Track Times. Track Times are created to give students the opportunity to participate in something with which they are familiar or try something new! Students are divided into “tracks” based on a list of activities they indicate during the registration process. We offer creative, active, performance, and classroom-based activities during these times, and each track is led by a member of the FUGE staff.

This year's theme: Into the light

Ownership is a powerful thing. When something is yours, it becomes immediately more important to you than something that is not yours. At a point in your faith journey, you must step from a borrowed faith that may seem repetitive and flat into a full, vibrant faith that is your own. The source of our faith is Jesus, the true Light of the world. Once we have accepted salvation, we ignite our faith by living it out. We fuel our faith by growing in our relationship with Christ and living in relationship with a community of believers around us. Once we have experienced the Light, we must let it shine as we share it with others.  Join us for FUGE Camps 2025 as you seek to move into the Light and own your faith!

“We no longer believe because of what you said, since we have heard for ourselves and know that this really is the Savior of the world.”

John 4:42

See what the excitement's about!

Paying for camp

The cost for camp this year is $369. We understand that this can be a costly expense, especially if you have multiple students. Here are some options to help you to pay for your student!


Our student ministry has multiple fundraising events throughout the year. Students who serve in fundraisers make a good chunk of money that goes towards covering their cost for camp! Our next fundraiser will be Sunday, March 30th. Your student may have some "student bucks" saved from past fundraisers too! Send an email to to see how many your student has!

Payment Plan

If you need some time to save the funds needed, let's get you on a payment plan to spread out the cost over multiple months. Send an email to to discuss this option.

Partial Scholarship

We offer partial scholarships for students who are in financial need. To apply for a partial scholarship, we require that your student has served in at least one of our fundraising events in the last year (June 2024-May 2025). If you would like to apply for a partial scholarship, please complete the scholarship application linked below.

Full Scholarship

We also offer few full scholarship for students who are in financial need. To apply for a full scholarship, we require that your student has attended at least 5 Sunday Morning Small Groups and/or Wednesday nights within the last year (June 2024-May 2025). If you would like to apply for a full scholarship, please complete the scholarship application linked below.
Any payments made towards your student's camp cost should be made by cash or check to Tim Conley or to the church office. Checks can be made out to FBC Siloam Springs with "[student name] camp payment" in the memo.

Parent Pack:
Check out the Parent Pack for lots of information about camp such as a camp schedule, dress code, camp rules, and more.

Parent Devotionals:
You will have the opportunity to study alongside your child with these parent devos built around our daily Bible study themes.

Packing List!

  • Summer clothing (see dress code in the Camp Policies tab of the Parent Pack) 
  • Closed-toe, closed-heel shoes (for outdoor activities)
  • Towels-bath towel, beach towel, hand towel, wash cloth 
  • Pillow 
  • Sleeping bag OR Twin-sized sheets and blanket
  • Water bottle you can refill and carry with you
  • Bible (This is the most important thing you will need on this trip!)
  • Pen/pencil
  • Notepad/notebook/journal
  • A bag/backpack to carry your water bottle, bible, journal, sunscreen
  • Toiletries such as shampoo, body wash, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, hand soap 
  • Spending money for lunch on the way there and back, camp store, and/or missions offering
  • Sunscreen

  • Christmas themed attire for Mega Relay 
  • Hat
  • Rain jacket/umbrella
  • Fan for your room
  • Alarm clock/watch
  • Plastic bag for wet clothes 
  • Bag for dirty clothes 
  • Shower shoes
  • Personal Snacks

  • Gaming Systems, computers, iPads, iPods, boomboxes, loudspeakers
  • Skateboards, bikes, scooters, roller blades, etc.
  • Vapes/illegal drugs/alcohol/cigarettes, etc.
  • Weapons
  • Anything that can be used from pranks such as: water guns, fireworks, silly string, shaving cream. (Pranks are not allowed at camp. You will be charged for any damages or issues related to clean up.)
  • Anything clothing or item that advertises alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs; promotes racism, sexism, or hatred of any group or person; promotes sexual actions or situations; or is not neat, clean, and modest

If students bring cell phones, they are not to be out and in use during programming elements: Morning Celebration, Bible Study, Worship, Night Life, Recreation and Track Times/MinistryTracks, and Church Group Time.